Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Library "incidents" continue to visit Columbus

Unfortunate incidents are continuing to occur in and around the libraries of Columbus, Ohio.

The first occurred today at a branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library. Emergency crews were summoned after a police officer had to resort to using mace to break up a fight between teenagers. The level of mace left in the air following the incident necessitated the library's evacuation.

The branch where this unfortunate incident occurred is located on East Livingston Avenue and is the same one that two weeks ago was rammed by three teens in a stolen car, seriously injuring the library manager.

The second "event" occurred just north of Columbus at the Upper Arlington Library when police officers arrested a man who was found to have downloaded child pornography using the library's computers. (Click on the video link to watch the scene that unfolded as cops made the arrest.)

If this keeps up much longer, I may have to start a separate blog just to keep up.


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