Saturday, June 10, 2006

Newspapers heading for extinction? points to this post by Dakota Sullivan on the Online Publishing Insider blog that argues that while newspapers may be nearing their end, their online components could be facing the opposite situation.

In other news, I'm packed and ready to head out bright and early tomorrow for Baltimore. I confess that I'm a bit anal when I prepare for a trip, making a list and checking it over to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.

The landscape is much different this year. I'm living in a new city and state and have a different position title and employer. Soon I'm going to find out how many of my Wisconsin colleagues remember who I am.

This should be a great conference though. Tomorrow night I'm having dinner with six of my esteemed colleagues from across the country and world and will spend some quality time networking, after which I will head over to a gathering for Midwest SLA chapters, where hopefully a great deal of Wisconsin folk and SLIS alumni will be.

I'll be attending sessions on wikis, newsroom research, knowledge management and digital archiving and preservation and that's just a small fraction of my schedule.

I feel very lucky to be attending my third annual conference. I truly enjoy seeing my colleagues, sharing our successes and frustrations and being reminded why I love being a librarian.


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