Saturday, March 04, 2006

Libraries, Cafes and Comfort

An article in today's The Capital Times talks about some of the changes that have been made in the libraries on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

At College Library, which is primarily used by undergraduates, this includes an Open Book Cafe, where students can buy latte and muffins and study in comfort in areas that look more like restaurant booths than study carrels.

Asked her thoughts about being allowed to bring food into the library and having the ability to meet and talk with other students, junior Ada Ruiz commented "I don't think it would be as cool without it. It's kind of a hang-out spot." She went on to add that she likes coming to the library because "you can talk and not get dirty looks."

When I was in graduate school, you could often find me in College Library, but not in the Open Book Cafe. I relied heavily on the silence that could be found in the third floor quiet study room. I'm a bit weird because I had to have relative peace and quiet in order to concentrate while completing the massive amounts of reading I was assigned. Another strange quality of mine you can add to your lists if you're keeping track.


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