Monday, August 08, 2005

My first splurge

Given that I'll be starting my first professional position one month from Friday, I got a head start today on the additional income I'll be receiving by getting rid of my 1993 teal Cavalier with 166,000 + miles on it and replacing it with a 2004 red Cavalier with a soon-to-be mileage of 26,000.

My 1993 model was the first new car I bought, as well as the one which prompted me to learn to drive a manual transmission and I have to say it was a great car. The last six weeks or so though, it had been showing its age and had been very sluggish some mornings to start. Last Thursday, I went down to my parking garage to leave for work and it finally decided it wasn't going to start for me. The mechanic couldn't find anything wrong with it and it started and ran well all weekend, but it was only going to be a matter of time before the next major problem happened and the car simply wasn't worth throwing tons of money into anymore. I also had legitimate concerns that it wouldn't make the drive to my new home.

I'm really enjoying my new car, though it will take some time getting used to the new bells and whistles it has. And I feel better knowing that I'll have reliable transportation for my upcoming move and for driving back and forth to my new job.


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