Monday, February 16, 2009

Shameless self-promotion alert: special librarians podcast

Last fall the University of Tennessee's student chapter of the Special Libraries Association hosted a brownbag featuring three special librarians: Martha Earl,
Reference Coordinator at Preston Medical Library; Mark Dickey, Engineering
Research Librarian at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Research Library and Leslie Duncan, Manager of Information Services at the National Limb Loss Information Center.

Their presentations are now available for online listening and can also be downloaded as podcasts to your portable media player.

A second podcast is available featuring yours truly. I speak about my career path to becoming a librarian, the importance of becoming involved in professional organizations and my involvement in the Special Libraries Association and its News Division.

I say "um" a bit too much when I speak, but overall I'm pleased.

Many, many thanks to Anna, who asked me to participate. Anna was a student in my management class last summer and I was thrilled when she asked if I'd consider speaking.

And thanks to Sarah Wright, the student chapter's president, who introduces me in the podcast.



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