Monday, September 04, 2006

A manifesto for newspapers

In a piece published today in Editor & Publisher, Tom Mohr offers "Winning Online -- A Manifesto," a dramatic plan for reshaping the future of newspapers.

The plan is dependent upon seven key tenets which Mohr elaborates on in his article. They include:

"* Local newspapers will not be the innovation source for top online products.
* "Local” is not, in itself, defensible online.
* The big money is not in newspaper websites, but in gaining access to top-tier product via partnerships with vertical online leaders.
* Moving newspaper websites onto common platforms will deliver improvements in quality, cost reduction, traffic and revenue.
* When networked, newspapers bring critical assets to the table that strengthen their competitive position vs. online-only players.
* The window of opportunity is closing; failure to act will compromise the future of the business.
* Ultimately, the key is leadership at the highest levels."

Thanks to Lost Remote for the link.


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